Friday, August 15, 2008

A thief in the night.

I went to my first ever Pittsburgh Pirates game tonight. I went because it was free, a little break in life's monotony, and because, if only for a little while, in small doses, I like to feel All-American. It was so-so, as I still spent 30 dollars on beers and nachos.

Then I went dancing, which was not as fun as I'd hoped it would be. The floor was very drunk, and very douchey.

Possible winter second job on the horizon. It's easy as cake, and pays well to boot!

I think I will be in Chicago next week. Look for me in all the old familiar places. Like my parent's family room, watching Comcast On-Demand and drinking beer, or in Wisconsin, doing as little as is humanly possible. I would make some sort of monk comparison there, but it takes time and effort to learn Zen, and that isn't worth it to me.

He's pretty awesome, even today.

They still sell a million albums a year. This song is the antithesis of "pop." Cat dresses!

Oh, don't fret little ones, I still fucking rock.


The answer was cholesterol. I'll be damned.-BK

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