Sunday, August 24, 2008

At a hookah bar?

Money woe is me. Just when I thought I was good to my next check, life throws me a curve. I'll make it through.

I see Obama has a running mate now. A "typical" politician, i.e. business as usual, no matter who wins.

If you're naive enough to think that the Obama Administration can change anything, ANYTHING, you need to go back to sixth grade. You see, there's this thing called the Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. It's kind of like the Mafia, but without their style, tact, and Catholicism. Also, the Mafia never takes more the ten percent. They have class. Essentially kids, we're fucked. Don't look for the government to provide you with safety, financial security, or happiness. Look to yourself, or, if you're lucky, your employer.

There is nothing better than coming out of the shower and going straight to clean, fresh sheets. Nothing. Except maybe Honey Nut Cheerios with banana slices and Silk Soy Milk.

The Olympics have ended. Now they can bring all of the desperately poor and uneducated back into Beijing to further the ridiculous double standard bastardization of free market capitalism and communism. And the twelve year olds can get back to what's important in life... like making my Vans slip-ons.

That's why America is failing as a superpower. Our kids have no drive. We're so apathetic that we're being taken by clandestine invasion. Our companies our run by foreign nationals, our goods are exported, our government will not be able to subsidize our industries forever... we will all end up slaves to the the nations we helped to build.

This is one of those songs you hear come on the radio, pause, crane your head in vague recognition, realize what it is, and immediately start singing every word like you've known it all along. Adam Ant.

The gnar being shredded. The cube being gleamed. Ripping, etc...

How many of their emo fans know they're named after a giant flying dog??

We used to slide off the wings.-BK

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