Friday, August 22, 2008

On the broken wings of love.

Dancing was fantastic yesterday. As usual, the people and environment were not fantastic. I hate Belvedere's.

I become more and more like my parents every day. Instead of just buying food and drink at the show tonight, I pre-purchased provisions and will be transporting them with me in my mini cooler. Cashews, Swedish Fish, Gala apples, peanut butter and jelly, some Vitamin Water for strength, and a Mountain Dew for the ride home. I anticipate making it home, but am prepared to catch a few hours of sleep in the car if necessary. I budget like Greenspan.

This song came on last night, and I really, really, really wanted to do coke in a recording studio with wood panelling. I had another PBR and tied my shoe before dancing instead.

I bet that album made more money than his last 3 movies combined!

Why do women do the majority of society's shopping? Because they're easily distracted, and shopping is just a subconscious distraction exercise for them. They are all in my way. I just want some fucking Easy Mac!

I will see this all live tonight!!! Giddy like a schoolgirl. Although I've seen NIN quite a few times, every time is like the first time!

I've got a seat in the tenth row. Bong!

I don't know yet if I'm wearing formal attire or sweating attire. I'm leaning formal, with a change of clothes for the ride home.

Besides make some of the dopest songs of the past few years, Justice understands and embraces the power of the visual medium. I love this song. This song is what unicorns dance to when no one is looking.

Booking shows for September. I am far funnier than I know. Still looking for the focus knob in my head though. When I find it, it is fucking on.

This is like God's remix album.-BK

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