Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What was the name of the farm next to the Hill house?

When you live check-to-check, skimming by in life, chilling at your parent's home, your childhood home, is equivalent to staying in a four-star hotel.

-Air Conditioning
-Refrigerators and Freezers so full you can't see to the back of them without squinting.
-Extra pillows
-Nothing to do, and all day to do it.
-Pooping on a toilet you grew up pooping on. Maybe only guys will understand the magic of this.
-Showering in the shower you grew up showering in. Your body remembers the water pressure, and when you get the temperature right, it's like time travel. But I can see my feet now, and I'm slightly more hairy.

No videos today, as I've got no need to entertain myself via Youtube. Mostly because I've been repeatedly waking my dog up from his endless days of slumber, watching There Will Be Blood, and not wearing pants, even though my sister is here.

We're adults now, but I'm still the sibling that doesn't wear the pants in this family goddamnit!

I've always been astounded by the people I meet and conversations I get into. I'm not the friendliest looking person, or the friendliest person in general, but I somehow just keep meeting the right kinds of people. People who don't suck.

Met some cool folks yesterday at Taco Bell. People who "get it." I hope to see them around town.

Met a fellow on my flight yesterday who was a retired Coast Guard officer. He currently manages a fleet of cargo ships. The kind of cargo ships that carry containers around the world. It was interesting learning about his life and the places he's been.

As an added bonus, I worked my magic on a flight attendant and was able to schmooze my way into an emergency exit row. I'll take the legroom along with the responsiblility of throwing a door open in the event of a water landing. In truth, I'd likely, probably, just let all of us in the middle of the plane burn the fuck up, depending on my mood and the general level of stupid I'd observed from a few of the passengers yesterday.

Back in Pittsburgh, my HOME, on Thursday evening. Eighties dancing and hipster ignoring all night long. PBR out of a can. Classy.

Still on the fence about NIN in Cleveland Friday. Anybody wanna carpool it?

No way, no fucking way that was possible. That was amazing!-BK(watching French dude on the rings in gymnastics yesterday evening.)

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