Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hop Hot Torrid Survey Game Dairy

I was kind of disturbed by the fact that I've been sedentary for about thirty hours, so I took a little trip to the mall that I grew up patronizing.

It didn't make me happy or nostaligc, but it provided a good way to break up the day so far.

I didn't spend any money, as no one had cool-ass shoes in my size(which is a mere 10/11). I did, however, make a dollar doing a survey. For bonus fun, I even gave a fake name and phone number, in addition to answering every question 180 degrees from how Ben Kenny would have answered. That's living.

It's kind of funny how my home suburb is dropping new real estate development like Brendan Fraser drops shitty movies, but every 7th house seems like it's up for sale at a fairly exhorbitant price. Is everyone saying: "Let's get Panera for lunch and default on the mortgage!"? The fuck?

Totally caught two episodes of Mad Men yesterday. The vacation is now considered a massive success.

Didn't get to go out last night, which places extra drinking/"living it up" money in my pocket, which means my ass is going to fucking Cleveland!!!

My dog is so old. So very old. This hurts me. This means, by applying logic and the laws of physics, I am getting older as well. He will most certainly die much, much sooner than me, which makes me very sad. I don't get sad about much(not even Nickelback's success) but this bums me out.

I watched the Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget the other day, and I am convinced that Gilber Gottfried is one of the funniest people to ever live. He makes me roll, fucking ROLL on the floor with tears in my eyes. A fascinating and rare talent, especially in an older comic. He's blue like a Smurf.

Mostly just drinking.-BK

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