Wednesday, August 6, 2008

uber pwn3d

I don't know about this. I mean, I don't doubt this gentlemen had something to do with the anthrax and whatnot, but it seems a little too "off" to be completely legit. I don't believe how a guy who was supposedly unstable was able to get his security clearances renewed multiple times, and have no criminal history and very few mental issues until his involvement in this case... It's shady. Kind of ridiculous it took seven years to find him. Pathetic, actually. What if the CIA had a hand in this, exposing Americans to anthrax in a convoluted effort to bolster support for The War on Islam. Oops!! I meant "The War on Terror." The sad thing is, a lot of us would have no problem believing such a thing. Fishy indeed.

I hauled a bunch of food into work today. I usually have a good amount of food cached around work, but what I brought in today keeps me prepared for nuclear winter. Or a few weeks of regular work. I already burned my wrist with steam from the vegetable bag. My food is all vegetarian/healthy, so naturally, I never have to worry about it getting "misplaced." No one even touches my Diet Mountain Dew. Sweet.

When you wash clothes and tip a hot, Evergreen-fresh basket of linen onto your concrete floor that was formerly covered in your own feces, urine, and dirty dishwater, it's kind of a downer. I cleaned it, but if you know me, you know I clean like the Pirates play baseball, i.e. very poorly.

(Another shitty sports joke. Pittsburgh is seeping into my very being! AHHH!!!)

Every see Oprah's minge and Gary on South Park? It has to be my favorite episode of all fuckin' time!

...and knowing is half the battle.

(I'm not drunk. But I am nostalgic. Sober nostalgia is a new thing. It's cool. Different. Interesting. It isn't flaccid like it usually is...)

Although I somehow turned out to be a relatively good person(in public, at least) I don't recall much of anything my parents taught me. But I knew most of the above be heart. Memory is weird.

Actually, I do remember "the talk" with my father. He chose to have it with me in a car on a highway, during a long ass trip somewhere. I don't know where we were going or why we were going, but I remember how awkward that shit was. It was probably awkward for him too. It worked though. I wear condoms like rappers wear bling. Oversized and gaudy.

I have no desire to procreate. I'm thinking of getting a vasectomy, just to be sure of it. I can always adopt a kid who's housebroken and able to open a fridge and use a microwave if I change my mind.

Reggae comes from the soul, but if you aren't Black, it's best to let it stay quietly inside of you. Trust me. I wouldn't steer you wrong, except if it was for my own sadistic pleasure. So, uh, don't trust me? Fuck it.

New dance venue to be attended tomorrow. I'm bringin' it. Don't worry, there's more than enough to go around!

Packing tape would've done the job.-BK

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