Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What rhymes with douche?

Absolutely wonderful sleeping weather last night. I actually got to bed before three, which is rare for me. Wrote a little bit of new material as well. Incredible how productive I can be when I'm naked and drunk on a bottle of Vodka I'd had (unknowingly) packed away since I moved from Denver. It was great.

I have ways of telling how many people read this blog, both on blogspot and via Myspace. Some of you are telling your friends. Thanks. In time, I hope to not have to work for my living, and every person you tell about me helps. Every time you come to a show helps. Every person who shakes my hand and tells me I'm funny, well, it means the world. The world. I try not to think to much about it, so when I do let myself think about it, it feels even better. I very rarely tell new people I meet that I'm a comedian, mostly because I don't especially want my friends to come see me. I don't mind at all when you do, but I want to prove myself to a non-biased audience.

A lot of comics fail to understand that the road is a friendless, barren, place, but Terry Jones understands. Terry is a freight train. When other comics are complaining or "on hiatus," Terry is performing, writing, and growing. He doesn't show signs of stopping, and he is one of the very few local comedians who can see past Pittsburgh, and is working toward a professional future. Go see Terry. You won't regret it. He. Will. Be. A. Star!

(I also really like Terry because even though he is very "black," he is also a huge nerd. Check his favorite vids on his YouTube.)

Apparently, the national air traffic control system is down. Again. If you had any idea how common of an occurrence this is, you'd probably shit yourself. I'm not going to tell you, because I don't have that particular fetish.

I've been getting back into grilled cheese. I either subsist largely on grilled cheese or quesadillas. Both are delicious, and usually don't require a fork, so I don't care which one I gravitate toward. But the change in bread texture is nice. Instead of white bread, I've been on wheat lately. I feel healthier, and my poop's color really brightens up the bathroom on those cloudy days.

This makes me happy like a retarded kid gets happy when they go to the Zoo and get one of those plastic animals out of the mold machine. My plastic animal would be a Kodiak bear, in case you're wondering.

The Punisher rules and is awesome because he is motivated and fueled by pure, complete hatred. Frank Castle makes Wolverine look like a pussy. Who needs mutant power when you got firepower??

Look for pics from the show tonight tomorrow. Or just come to the show. Or just log in tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and corresponding with me. Again, it makes me warmer inside. Although I'm gassy today, so you're actually making me uncomfortable. Drats!

When using the moving walks, please face forward, and hold on the handrail.-BK

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