Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I do it for the Lord(of Darkness!).

Set was delectably good tonight at the Moose. I actually had a bit of fun, which is rare when I'm performing. Thanks a million to Mr. Rocco Supreme for having my ass out, and for supporting, promoting, and giving real alternative comedy a place in Pittsburgh. Depending on your outlook, there is a special place in heaven or hell for Rocco. Rocco made me laugh tonight, which means he gets to stay with me in Purgatory. I guess my version of it would involve Domino's pizza and Eva Longoria as well. Eva Longoria is a stupid cunt(totally warranted and legit!) but is oh so hot. Woof. Woof. Ruff.

Hey, asshole, just FYI, being "alternative" does NOT mean I'm "underground" per se. My comedy is not meant or intended to ever, EVER, be secret. I want to stand on stage, four nights a week, for my living, and I want to do it by my rules, and on my terms. I will piss on Carlin's grave while reading aloud from Larry the Cable Guy's numerous "books" if the money is right. This is not a hobby. This is a life long passion, an addiction, and a calling! Also, it occasionally gets me laid.

I typed the last paragraph really aggressively. If it was a girl, I would've hit her a few times. You know, to get the juices flowing.

The funny. Respect the ultra-liberals like the minds at The Onion, as we'll one day be bowing do them, saying "namaste" as we drink recycled body fluids in a rehabbed loft we pay too much money for.

Yes, I'm drunk, surly, and quite sweaty. Deal with it!

I hate bars because shirts you wear for barely an hour always, always, end up smelling like cigarette smoke. This must be what it's like to be a hipster, save for the Master's degree, job waiting tables, and knowledge/love for obscure Eastern European poets.

Barack Obama shirts are prevalent. I guess "hope" is easy to come by when you're still living at home. His ads are reminiscent of Che. Let's kill everyone who does not agree with us.

I got a little too drunk. I'm on a budget. Thursday night is already negated for the week. I'll stay in and watch Monster Squad again.

Another sign of impending oldness? My week is "planned-out." If I had an extra towel, one that doesn't smell like my ass and wouldn't shine like the sun under a blacklight, I would most certainly be throwing it in right about now.

It never gets old.

Axl Rose wishes it could be 1992 forever. I do too, but only in a "sort of" kinda way. I love my MacBook (Pro, bitches) too much to be full-on with my retro desires.

Hate/adore Family Guy. Regardless of feeling, this is funny. November Rain was still playing while I watched the vid. Surreal as fuck!

I am fucking lost here.-BK

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