Friday, November 7, 2008

All the days you choose to ignore.

So happy I remembered to put out my trash last night. Three weeks of garbage is unsightly, yo.

Just got a gig hosting a variety show next Friday night at Belvedere's. Should be a fun time, come on out for it.

My new Obama joke hit fairly well last night. One supposed giant leap for America, one small step for Ben Kenny's career.

Pearl Jam is the best kind of jam!

Picked up hours for tomorrow, and may pick up hours for Sunday as well. Besides being good to have, money is also sorely needed.

Might not work Sunday though, as I'm in the running to win some Steeler tickets. I will go if I win. We like football a lot here in Pittsburgh you know. In fact, collectively, it might be the only thing keeping us alive.

In case you guys are stuck on what to get me for Xmas, I really like Cracked Pepper and Olive Oil Triscuits. I will buy my own cheese, thanks.

It's a possibility.-BK

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