Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tall bridge.

Show last night was super fun, even if it was sparsely attended. It was rad to just "chillax" and not have to worry about much but introducing the acts. There was also an abundance of free beer, Yuengling, in fact, which gives/gave me very little to complain about. I knew I was pretty drunk, because I walked home in pouring rain and didn't seem to care while doing it.

I got a haircut! First time in three years that I've actually paid to have my hair cut. I look like a middle-aged middle school gym teacher, or a really butch lesbian. There is no difference.

This sums up my opinion on drinking nicely.

The new Bond flick was not nearly as good as the last one, but it was still pretty damn good. The villain was very weak in this film. Updated for the times or not, every Bond movie needs a great villain, and maybe a cool henchman or two!

I won tickets, really good tickets, to the Steeler game, but I don't really hang out with the type of people who like to go to football games, so if you're reading this and you'd like to go with me, shoot me an email. No promises, as I'm waiting to hear back from someone.

I'm actually really excited to go. In twenty-four brutally hard years of life, I've never managed to find myself in attendance at an NFL game.

I actually thought I was going to have a bit of trouble getting out of work tomorrow, but my coworkers made it happen for me. I didn't even have to do any work to make it happen, as I have a representative who brokers deals for me when I'm not around, as I do for her when she's not around.

My sole item of professional sports related clothing, my Steelers t-shirt, is being dug out of the oblivion of my closet for the game. I might even buy myself a Terrible Towel. I do know I'm getting crazy drunk tomorrow. That's a certainty.

H. Ward doesn't play dirty, he plays with HEART. If anyone in the NFL is deserving of the exorbitant money they're paid, it's him. Recognize.

California is burning down. Again. Maybe that's their God's way of telling them that banning gay marriage is stupid. You don't protect or strengthen the concept of marriage by only allowing straight people to experience it. Marriage is no longer sacred anyways. Christ, over fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, so what does that tell you?

Awesome like nacho cheese!

I don't know how to mosey. I never learned. Somebody teach me!

Meth-addled neighbors are having a marathon fight. When they finally stab, strangle, and/or shoot one another, look for me on the news, giving an eyewitness account of how fucked up they were.

Oh shit son!-BK

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