Thursday, November 13, 2008

Buses everywhere!

Six hundred and sixty-six blog posts. Metal!

If you aren't doing anything tonight, come on out to The Obey House. If you're not doing anything tomorrow, come out to Belvedere's. Both are better than sitting at home.

Rough little juvenile patches of snow have been falling lately. Hello winter.

I like winter because I can give my work t-shirts a rest for a few months, and just wear regular shirts under my hoodie and/or jacket.

Hokey as it may be, tens of thousands of people ride bicycles to this day because of Rad.

Trying to pick up some hours this weekend. I'm gonna make an entertaining homeless person one day.

Dinner last night consisted of two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and one half sleeve of Fig Newtons, with Pepsi to wash it down. I'm so healthy it's unbelievable.

I wrote a joke about Taylor Swift. I'm uncomfortable with this fact. I fear I'm getting too "poppy" for my own good.

Motorcycles are really cool, and I will always want one. I have made peace with this fact. I will settle for a cool leather jacket.

It makes me smile.

As always, thanks for reading. Get a life.

Look out!-BK

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