Thursday, November 20, 2008

She Bop

Good news Mom and Dad, my fellow comics, friends, and family! Minneapolis is out, and MOTHERFUCKING NEW YORK CITY IS IN!!!!!!!!!!


Like many comedians, I've always said I'm heading there "one day" and it looks like that day is coming sooner than I thought!

Many of you already know this, but I work for an airline to pay the bills. They are beginning service to LaGuardia, one of New York City's major airports. I will have the opportunity to live and work less than ten miles from the epicenter of all things stand-up. If this is not a sign, I don't know what is. If I do not answer this call, I very truly and deeply feel that I will be making the biggest, most-defining mistake of my life, and I will never forgive myself for it. I'm afraid of failing, very afraid. Anyone who says they aren't is a fucking fool, but failing is something that, in time, I can come to terms with. I can never come to terms with not trying at all. I love comedy too much to not take this shot. This is it for me. My life, my FUTURE, my DREAM, is waiting for me in Manhattan, and I plan to face it, failure be damned, and success, whatever the definition, is going to come with through sacrifice, hard work, and tenacity. I am not going to let myself down! Although I think(know) I am not yet "good enough" to make a living in the New York professional scene, I do believe that there is no place better suited to "cut my teeth."

I was so excited when I heard about this from my boss this morning that I had to go outside for a bit. I think I had a panic attack of pure joy or something. My heart was pumping, I was shaking, and I had tears in my eyes.

I will make this happen. I will fight as hard as I've fought in my life. This matters more than anything!

The move is paid for by the Company, but NYC is still very expensive. I will sell my car, I will sell my television, I will sell everything I have in order to do this. I'll even go back to hooking if I need to. New York's gotta have truck stops, right?

This is all a while away still. At least four months, if not much longer. In fact, the Company's agreement is tentative at this point, but I have no doubt that this is going to be a reality. This is going to happen!!! Shit, even writing about it gets me excited!

In other, less totally fucking awesome and exciting, but still pretty cool news, I will be going tailgating tomorrow. My friend is going to teach me how to get into the game for thirty to forty dollars, knowledge which I am keen to learn.

I bought the wrong kind of FireWire, so no videos yet, but keep your eyes and ears tuned in to this Ben station for something soon. I mostly just use my videos as a reference tool to teach myself with, but I've decided that I need to have more of a presence on the Internet. The amount of people who read these words everyday played no small part in that decision. Thanks guys!

Leaders lead by example, and this is a pathetic example. Let them fail. The CEOs and autoworkers are both guilty and shouldn't be surprised this is happening. Autoworkers, people who essentially do one job on an assembly line all day, make more money than me, and more money than most of the people reading this right now. Roughly 90k a year, believe it or not, plus significant benefits. They can make concessions and keep working, or they can stand firm and become unemployed. Sacrifice must be made on all levels to keep their company, this economy, and this country moving.

Be like water. Flow.

Gary Young In Vancouver from MACNEIL BMX on Vimeo.

If that's how you play it.-BK

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