Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This week is turning to shit on me! That Gong Show I was kind of stoked on... yeah, turns out its a fucking karaoke Gong Show! Adding to that, the contest finals I was looking forward to performing in have been "postponed" due to venue difficulties. Now I need to call everyone I had coming out to see me. At least three phone calls shouldn't take too long.

Welcome to the "covers" edition of Living in an unkempt world. (This means every song is a cover of a song originally performed by a different artist, fucktard.)

Really good cover of a song that's really good.

Still unsure of my location on Thanksgiving, although I'm leaning heavily towards staying in the Iron City for the day. Flying back and forth to Chicago, in addition to oodles of semi-awkward conversations with my mother, sister, and extended family, which will lead to many strong drinks, which will transform me into "Pissy Ben" doesn't sound like fun. I didn't mention my dad. He's not dead or deadbeat or anything. He'll be working. Which is WHAT I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING DONE!

Yeah, tonight, tonight, the impossible is possible at The Smiling Moose. Let's get fucked up! You don't need to be productive at work on Wednesday. Who does anything productive on a day before a major holiday that isn't directly related to that holiday? I mean, what the fuck, do you work at a Thanksgiving store?!

Is the strip club open on Thanksgiving? Probably not. Maybe I'll go to a movie(likely), eat an entire Tofurky(highly likely) and put in some work on a character I've been tinkering around with(somewhat likely).

Thanksgiving marks the start of Christmas shopping season. I don't mind people mindlessly consuming, this is America, but I hate Christmas music. This comes from working at The Brookfield Zoo and K-mart during the "season of giving." It also comes, in no small part, from having good taste.

I buy Christmas presents for three people and three people only. It would be four, but I've never been reliant on anyone for pussy, I mean, companionship at or around Christmastime. Hey, did you guys know "Christmastime" is accepted as a word by spellcheck?! You learn something new every day! Anyhow, the three people I get shit for are my mother, my father, and my sister. Last year, I bought gift cards, because I realized that I don't know enough about my blood relatives to know what they like or dislike. I felt bad for a nanosecond, but quickly got over it, as I am a horrible, horrible person. I will TRY to make an effort to buy them physical presents this year. After all, nothing says "I love you" like an extra large item of clothing with a gift receipt at the bottom of the box.

Been listening to this band a bit lately. Of the blatant Radiohead attempted clones, Travis are among the best. They breathe incredibly powerful heart and soul into something meant to be sexy and disposable.

Come to think of it, I know a few dudes called Travis. None of them are dicks, all of them create, all of them wear glasses.

I look around my house and see a lot of shit I don't need. I need to downsize and organize better. My rent is cheap, but I've been filling this huge space with my possessions. Instead of keeping things in drawers, I simple have stacks of folded clothes on the floor of the place. Fuck me.

This one cover might validate his entire existence, although his guest spot on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia might do the trick as well...

Hey guys, gals, stalkers, and random folks who've happened by, thanks for watching the video I posted earlier this week. Like it or not, more will be coming along just as soon as soon can be. I wanted to tape my set on Friday, as I knew the room would be loud, but the "postponement" shit in that hamper.

Yeah, I'm secretly excited about the new album too.-BK

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