Saturday, November 1, 2008


I think I went from one end of the internet to the other yesterday. I'm not sure if I left my desk to do much more than pee and refill my water. Wait, I did go out to gas my whip up and see if the store had a movie I wanted to see.

I did not dress up at all for Halloween this year. I'm semi-seriously considering dressing up for my show and/or the party I'm going to tonight. I probably won't though, because I am very lazy.

Kinda stressing a tad over this Improv competition/open mic. I have to work "PG," which I am not excited about at all, as people's definitions of "family friendly" material tend to vary across the board. I just want my fucking picture.

Fox has cancelled King of the Hill, but renewed American Dad. This leads me to conclude that Fox cannot recognize quality writing.

Next to that shallow grave I half-assed my way through digging, not seeing Radiohead live has got to be my biggest regret of the past year. I have really been into them since I picked up In Rainbows about a year ago. Over a fifteen year career, they have never had a member quit, endorsed or allowed much of the music to be used for commercial purposes, or became "celebrities." They are this era's musical saving grace. These videos are from one performance. I highly suggest you watch them. Especially if you listen to shitty music. Which you probably do, as it's hard not to these days.

The National Anthem

Scatterbrain(This song will punch you in your soul!)

Where I End and You Begin

I noticed a lot of kids in costume around the home borough of Millvale yesterday. It was cute, because their kids had costumes on too! A lot of people seemed to be dressed as members of Bon Jovi, but it may just be the way people in Millvale dress. I'm still trying to make sense of the place. They do have a Hardee's though, which seems to be all most people know about the town.

The antenna that boosts our radio signals at work is down. This could go either way for the ol' Ben Kenny. I may be able to spend part of my day "resting" in a truck on the other side of the airport, but shit, how will I know when a plane is on the ground?

This one food place at the airport still has straws that have that "articulation thing" about 3/4 of the way up the straws. Those are so cool.

This is actually a cover song.-BK

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