Monday, November 24, 2008

Settle out of court.

Watched Killing Zoe yesterday, for free, on Other than Julie Delphy, I found it pretty unremarkable, but maybe that was the point. It is a decent little movie, if it's viewed as an exploitation film. Even after all these years and all the work he's done, I still can't seem to make up my mind about Eric Stoltz. Meh, who knows?

I've heard that Depeche Mode is dropping a new album next year. There is hope for music after all!

Later today I'm going to a bar to see about a spot on a Gong Show Wednesday evening. I'm hoping they have slots available, as I've never had the chance to do a Gong Show style performance, and I'd like to see if I can "go the distance," so to speak. At least half of the people reading this are far too young to have any concept of what the Gong Show was/is, but trust me, it's going to be fun if it happens!

I've had this beat and the lyrics in my head all week. I am immensely jealous of Lee's fabulous beard, as my facial hair only manages to make me look like I was working outside in dirty and dusty conditions all day. Fucking genes! Sorry. Getting back on track, Lee rules!

SHRIMP from krullbeast on Vimeo.

I'm falling back in love with the baked potato. Not microwaved. Baked. I like the fact that they take like an hour to cook. I often put vegetarian chili, cheese, and/or vegetables on top of mine, in addition to the always present butter and salt. I think I started eating and making them again because I was watching the late, great, Mitch Hedberg talk about them. He was way better than your favorite comic. Look into him. Google and/or YouTube him, if you care to be so bold. Be careful though, you may be required to think about stuff.

I like comedians who make audiences think. If I may be so bold, I like to think of myself as this kind of comedian. My stuff may not make people "roll on the floor" every time at every venue, but I know it's 100% me, and it's what will eventually set me apart from other comedians. Hopefully there aren't too many like me in New York. We (hopefully!) shall see.

Hilarious like the retarded kids were when we were all much younger and less innocent.

As I write this, I'm wearing a hooded sweatshirt, long sleeve t-shirt, ankle socks, and absolutely no pants, underwear, or shorts whatsoever. To think, I wasn't even planning to masturbate this morning! I am confused.

It seems that watching Bad Santa has become a sort of holiday tradition for me, even though I watch it several other times a year. The chemistry these two have is awesome. This movie never gets old. Classic!

Even if I one day "get money" I'm pretty sure that I'm going to keep eating cashews. They're the Pabst Blue Ribbon of the nut world! Cheap, but oh so good. Also, when I open one, the other, or both, I usually don't stop consuming until I'm totally finished or passed out. Delicious!

The center support in my bed is bowing in from the amount of time I spend on it. I easily spend ten hours a day on my bed, and I "flop" down quite hard, because laying down gently is for old people and squares. I am not a square, and the only part of me that's old is my liver.

I knew she had a facelift!-BK

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