Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How can this be good enough for two?

Shadow Lounge has cancelled for this month. Apparently, the venue has booked a show with the potential of actually earning them money. More power to them. Smoke them if ya got them. I'm actually begrudgingly happy about it. At least I get to watch Sarah Connor.

It's kind of aggravating and little insulting that Jennifer Aniston and Judge Judy share space with the news of the world and nation on CNN's homepage. Goddamn liberal media.

When oh when are they going to record and tour again!?

I re-purchased Live's incredible Throwing Copper album yesterday. It's so fucking good. To even pretend like you're not down! Great progressive rock album during it's time. More bands should sound like this.

Of course I'm gonna keep it old school! Was there a doubt? One of the greatest pop-punk acts ever!

I don't understand how all these white collar folks can make million dollar deals all day if they can't drive at barely the speed limit and talk on a cellphone at the same time. Someone explain this to me!

Had an interesting discussion with some respected colleagues about "beef" amongst comics yesterday. It's not really worth it, or professional for that matter. I also found out that a friend of mine was accused of stealing my material, which is ridiculous, and it's something I absolutely do not believe is true, as Tim Dimond doesn't need to steal shit, because he's funny enough on his own!

Focusing on trying to scrounge up hours at work. Hopefully people will get injured and I will be able to work in their stead.

Probably not the greatest idea to play Slipknot over the PA, huh?-BK

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