Sunday, November 16, 2008

Up the hill.

Punk rock. Jack and Coke. Jager. Dancing. Yuengling. Friends and friendship. Pabst Blue Ribbon. Peeing in the alley. Three times. Back to a house. Wild Turkey from a pint glass. Pizza rolls. San Diego. Puking off of a front porch while your friend(and homeowner) pisses off of it. Smelly sleeve. Waking up on a bare mattress in a strange room. Glasses? Home. Shower. Pepto and aspirin, for recovery, and for preparation.

Don't ever grow up. Don't ever stop. Journey sucks, no matter how drunk, and how good the friend.

Steelers tailgating in an hour. My liver is pressing charges and taking the kids with it.

Don't even front. I'm still a firm, dedicated believer in the Jedi code, but this is fucking funny! James T. Kirk is the greatest captain. Sorry Scott Bakula.

Beck is really good stuff. So is Madonna. Thanks iTunes.

I should not be laughing at this. I should probably feel bad for laughing at this. I don't. I will see you in Hell.

I'm firmly entrenched in the "Van Hagar" camp, thank you very much. One of the first music videos I remember actually waiting for the premiere of. MTV used to be the shit, didn't it?

I really hope I survive the day ahead.

That chick over there, with the blonde hair, in the corner? Watch and learn, my friend, watch and learn.-BK

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