Friday, November 7, 2008

So tired, but alive like Kiss.

Work was one of those absolute cluster fucks yesterday. Luckily for me, I have the ability to filter out everything in my environment except for my specific job duties. I don't care about fucking TPA bags. That ain't my gate.

It was 73 degrees yesterday, in November, in Pittsburgh. Global warming is totally a myth perpetrated by the Left! Totally.

Four shows on the ledger for next week. As a performer, I personally do not differentiate between open mics, unpaid shows I'm asked/invited to be at, or the ultra elusive paid gig. If I'm on the stage and there's an audience, they deserve, and they get, virtually all that I can give. I may "write off" open mic shows, work on new stuff, etc.. but I'm still there to make people laugh, so I always try to throw in a few of my "gold standards."

This is possibly the best frontman ever. I love this because he is having fun. For me, it is very rare to have fun onstage. I'm too focused, too tightly wound. His joy makes me jealous.

Working today. An earlier shift than the norm, which means less rest than the norm. I was sad, and quite surly, until I drank coffee. Coffee is fucking awesome!

I am looking for shows in December. What better way to celebrate the birth of everyone's favorite political ally than to blaspheme His name in smoky bars and half-empty clubs?

You bitches need, and deserve, another helping of Pearl Jam. Life is the bread. Toast that shit, and eat it up!

I found a pair of shoes for ten dollars. They are black, so I bought them. They are a size too big, but I'm only using them to drive to and from work. They spend less than two hours a day on my feet. I can live with them. They should last a long time. A rare wise investment on my part.

Wesley Willis was this crazy street musician that young white people from the suburbs of Chicago adopted as their own, as we often tend to do with things that are urban, but not overtly threatening. I first heard of him like I first heard of a few things I'm into, in Dave Tyler's car. Dave Tyler has a cool older brother.

We used to watch drunk people all around us when we stopped at Rock and Roll McDonald's to eat during nights of epic bicycle-related adventure. I heard they knocked it down and rebuilt it. Meh.

It's Saturday night, and I am sans work duties tomorrow. What to do this evening? If you said, "watch Alien yet again, and get obliterated" you win a prize! The prize? Wouldn't you like to know? Put it this way, I sure hope you have a good therapist. Show up in something tight and black with subtle stripes of red or maroon to claim your prize.

I think if I was obsessed with a girl enough to mail a body part to her, I'd pick my pinky toe, obvious The Big Lebowski influence be damned! No woman is worth more than a toe. I might even consider parting with the nasty semi-disfigured toe merely to impress a girl I hope to just sleep with.

The only chance is taking a chance.-BK

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