Monday, November 3, 2008

I am not a fan.

The concert last night was... trying. The poster said the doors opened at four, leading me to assume, using my years of concert-going knowledge, that the band everyone paid to see would be going on around 7:30 or so. I showed up at six, hoping that the opening acts would be onstage. I am right virtually all of the time, but boy oh boy was I ever wrong on this one! Seemingly every cookie cutter "metal" band in the tri-state area was on this bill, and virtually all of them were not very good and/or original sounding. I was actually getting bored, but couldn't get drunk, as four dollar beers from the UFC wannabe bartenders would only have turned my boredom into full-on rage. Finally, around midnight, Mushroomhead took the stage. As always, they did not dissapoint. Mushroomhead may not have a corporate label or a big budget to work with, but they play with more heart and sheer force of will than many bands I've seen. I have never been dissapointed in their show. I actually wish I had bought a t-shirt. You guys know I don't like t-shirts with logos, but I'd rep this band, yo.

Speaking of shows, I've got three this week alone, starting with Pittsburgh's best and only place to see alternative comedy, The Smiling Moose, tomorrow night. You gotta work hard for your future. No surrender!

So yeah, driving in rush hour traffic both ways sucks. I'm going back to working "balls early" in the morning again next month.

I will be in Chicago for and around Thanksgiving, not quite sure of the dates/days yet. It might be just for one day, as I have the Slapsticks! Final Round to contend with on the day after Thanksgiving. It's going to rock.

For the first time in a long time, I have beer in my fridge. I've just sort of been staring at it, right there in front of me, on the door, as I reach in for burrito fixings. Perhaps I will pop a top or two tonight while Sarah Connor is on.

I've been big into watching shows on lately. If you've never seen the "Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life," episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you've simply got to. I've never laughed so hard over the entire course of a 23 minute show.

My toe is pretty much recovered at this point, but it still looks really bad. But, because I am not allowed to win in this life, I have blisters on two other toes from limping heavily for a week and a half.

I should probably see the new Kevin Smith movie at some point. Maybe Friday or Saturday.

Shit's weak. NOT!

Do I have a video camera, or do I have a 550 dollar paperweight? I can never tell. Christ. I don't do many film things because of the epic amount of shit on the internet. I like my shit in the flesh, so to speak.

I went running yesterday. One mile. I do not like running. I do not like running one little bit. Fuck running.


You know you're getting older when you scold yourself for not wearing shows with better insoles when you knew you were going to have to stand on a hard floor for a few hours.

Cut down the trees for a better view.-BK

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