Plus, he's probably one of the most diverse professional entertainers working today. He's a commentator, stand-up comic, singer, acclaimed actor, and a writer! Cool guy too! Go see him.
I like to watch pro comics work rooms, because it's a good way to see how far you are from being pro on some things, and how close you are on others. I have a ways to go on a few things, but I'm practically touching some of the others.
Well, I finally got around to getting the correct FireWire, and have uploaded a video to both Vimeo and YouTube. This is just the beginning, my friends. If you like what you see, please become a MySpace friend(if you aren't already) and forward this to your friends or embed it in your blog. I want you guys to enable me to use drugs and be totally immoral fulltime someday, hopefully sooner than later. Thanks.
Ben Kenny - Drunk @ The Smiling Moose from Ben Kenny on Vimeo.
It was so cold this morning that I very seriously considered pissing in the Mountain Dew bottle beside my bed, but I just ran to the bathroom and back again. I did not freeze to death, and I voided my bladder, so I made the smarter decision. Whee.
This picture pretty much sums up why The Chuck is one of my favorite people.

I did not expect to see him at the tailgate, but his presence was much appreciated. Drunk or sober, yelling things at people from a bullhorn is super fun, even if it is twenty degrees out. Without going into great detail, Chuck once told me how much money he's spent at "Bible Study" over the course of his life. It takes a lot to make my jaw drop folks. I'm a dirty, filthy bastard, but I'll tell you what, it was on the floor when he told me! Epic money. It's ok though, as he's helped many young women pay for their breasts, college education, and cocaine. Chuck rules.
I have to, no... I must, go grocery shopping today. Need butter or butter substitute. You can't make grilled cheese with hope, motherfuckers!
Looking forward to the show tonight. Apparently, there may be an actual audience. Hope they like Downs Syndrome jokes. Not really. I don't care if they do or not.
I've lived in Pittsburgh for two years, and I still get hopelessly lost about three times a month. Not one straight road I tell ya! Not one!
If you didn't know Groundhog Day wasn't filmed in PA, you're no real nerd.-BK
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