Sunday, November 30, 2008


That felt great. Sleep.

I wanted to sleep as soon as I got home from work last night, but I took a shower and went out for a short while, which turned into me being out until closing time. Oh well. A life lived smartly and healthily during normal hours isn't much of a life.

I came home, took off my dancing shoes, removed my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and immediately fell asleep. Exhaustion like I hadn't been through in a while.

Seems like shows are drying up because of the season. Fucking Jesus.

When you get down to it, Christians are very masochistic in their choice of holidays. Pain abounds. Christmas celebrates birth, Easter, death, and the rise of Zombies. The chosen symbol of virtually all Christian religions is a cross, the constant reminder of pain and suffering. Jesus was the first Criss Angel or something.

Need to wash all of my shirts, as the "pile" has begun to dwarf the stack of clean shirts across the room from it. It told me in private that it feels intimidated by the pile. Can't have that going on in my house.

This dude needs to hit the road again! Watch the whole thing. Funny.

Big blue jeans or big blue dreams?-BK

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