I waited half an hour to vote, and after voting, felt exactly the same as I did before voting. The only change I'll be seeing this election is the free cup of coffee I'll be getting from Starbucks later. No matter who wins, the American people are doomed, forced to endure many more years of typical politics and corporate influence in Washington. Third parties are gaining in legitimacy because they make sense folks. Go Libertarian if you want my opinion on things, although even the chosen Libertarian candidate is a colossal piece of shit.
I'm kind of pissed that I didn't even get an "I Voted!" sticker this time. I cast my ballot for Ron Paul as a write-in, and I'm going to sleep very well tonight. All in all, I am as happy as I can be about Obama's success, but I still see "more of the same" when I look at him and hear him speak. I hope he proves me wrong with all my heart, but my brain is sarcastically smirking with it's proverbial arms crossed right now.
I might have something fun and different from the norm in the works for next Friday. Hope it works out. I will let you know.
The show tonight is NOT cancelled.
Tomorrow, you should drag your ass out to the Improv and support me in the contest. It's only ten dollars(with mention of my name!), and I'll be fucking hilarious, as I always am. I make no claims or guarantees for the other competitors. Some may be funny, some may be so-so, and some will most assuredly be totally horrible. I just want my fuckin' pictures.
This was playing on my CD player after I came out of the school where I voted. It will now forever be associated with this election for me, and I'm not sure I like it.
Sarah Connor was pretty good last night. I think it holds my interest because it is attempting to add basic humanity to the Terminator characters. Whether they are good or bad, you can see them faced with internal struggles and forced to make decisions they haven't previously made in the films. It's pretty cool. Plus, Shirley Manson is fucking smoking hot!

It is unusually warm for this time of year, this week, at least. I'll take what I can get, yo.
The self discipline required to ride flatland is not fathomable to most people, and too scary even for the few who can understand it. This is half of one percent of all people who ride bikes for fun. This is hard beyond words.
[untitled] from briantunney on Vimeo.
One benefit of the commute is the time to be alone and just pick away at my nose. Both nostrils, no fear.
I've brought my peacoat out for the winter. It's like an old friend, even though this is only the second winter I will have owned this particular peacoat. I really like peacoats, ok!?
I don't understand how he can wear leather and not sweat to death. I mean, I'm not nearly as fat as him(give me time!), but I sweat like a hog onstage, and I don't do hour long shows.
And that's that.
You don't honestly believe that, do you?-BK
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