Friday, November 14, 2008

Cheese fry

I hauled all of my notebooks into work yesterday and consolidated them. It was interesting the go back and read some of the first jokes I'd ever written. I've come a long way on this journey of hilarity. It is not fun to rewrite shit you've written in another notebook.

Sometimes you walk into a venue and see the "audience," and it kills you a little inside. Yesterday was looking like it might have been one of those nights, but the few people there were really into us and were definitely down for some laughs. I can honestly say I had a great set in front of eight people and that I enjoyed myself.

I also saw one of the world's last remaining Zima signs hanging un-ironically on the wall. I whispered when near it, as I did not wish to scare it away, but was curious as to how it managed to travel here from 1995. Then, I remembered this is Western PA, and that it Has probably just been hanging out on the wall, undisturbed and unnoticed, since that year.

Shout outs and a "holla" to The Chuck and his friend Jake for coming out and supporting. I wish the show could have been better for them.

My favorite superhero. So stoked for this film, as it seems to get to the core of what El Punishito is all about, mercilessly killing bad guys!

Speaking of movies and violence, I believe the new Bond joint comes out today! YES! It's like the world plans my day for me sometimes.

We were watching the Pierce Brosnan films at work the other day, and he's a passable Bond, but, with the notable exception of Goldeneye, every film he was in was basically garbage.

Every man in the theatre cringed when I saw this film. All five times.

They're much, much better than 3 Doors Down.

I need to buy some jeans. Been losing some poundage. Thrift store first, Kohl's second, Macy's third.

Traded off today, but working tomorrow and Sunday. Small potatoes in the financial stew.

Sometimes, nights end just the way you envision them. It's rare, but when it happens, it's truly memorable. Good times.

In a sense, Ronald McDonald is a spiritual advisor.-BK

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