Sunday, November 23, 2008

Terminal Velocity was the film in question.

I had a lot of fun at the show last night. There were more than seventy people there, which is a relative rarity in this town. Worked with some old friends and a few new faces. Free nachos and light beer all around. My stomach is less than pleased with me this morning.

Still up in the air on whether or not I'll be home for Thanksgiving. The flight bookings shall make the decision.

It seems like winter has finally arrived here in PA. Cold weather, frozen pools of water, dirty roads and cars, and the perpetually cheerful attitude of the Yinzers make for mediocre, soul-crushing times. I can't fucking wait to get out of here, even though I like it here. Weird, huh?

Lost a whole blog of genius. Sorry for the lack of "blow-hardy" writing and videos today.

Uh, Tuesday. Happens on Tuesday brother.-BK

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