Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pants party.

Louis CK is the shining light in comedy.

Hey, did you guys know that more than two people are running for President?!!? Chances are, one of these people's views better matches your own, and, depending on the state you live in, you may actually be able to cast a vote for them. Here are some of them:

(If Obama is projected to carry your state by a comfortable margin, as he is in Pennsylvania, I heartily recommend a write-in vote for Dr. Ron Paul.)

Ralph Nader Bob Barr Chuck Baldwin Roger Calero Alan Keyes Gloria La Riva Charles Jay Cynthia McKinney

It is also IMPERATIVE that you vote for politicians and other ballot issues that directly affect your town! Election day happens every year, sometimes even more than once folks! Obama is not going to make your bus run on time, your drink tax lower, or your streets cleaner/safer. That happens locally, bitch. Get educated and vote.


When they have to turn off the hockey game in order for you to do a show, you know things aren't going to go well. Thankfully, I was just opening, so I went out, did my time, and left. Best not to dwell on it.

Had an awesome time at the party last night. Cool costumes. In fact, I don't remember seeing even one store-bought costume. Definitely a creative crowd, and new friends were made. More importantly, four people who saw me on Tuesday night told me, in separate conversations, that I was their favorite comic of the evening. That is a good feeling. That is a great feeling. That is the best feeling. Validation rules!

My hands have begun their annual, inevitable, unstoppable, yearly winter skin cracking. Cracked fingers are no fun when you have to clench and unclench your hands hundreds of times in an eight hour shift. There will be blood. There will be New Skin, and in lieu of that, superglue.

I'm looking forward to Mushroomhead tonight.

There is a new room debuting at The St. James Place Tavern on Pittsburgh's Southside Thursday night. It's run by a local comedy crew who are leaving their YouTube editing chambers to put it on. Should be good. I mean, I'll be there and everything, so show up!

"Little hand says it's time to rock and roll." Point Break is one of those movies that finds it's way into your heart and just stays there. I will defend it to the death. The soundtrack alone is worth it...

Here's a clip from Red Dawn, just because Swayze rules so hard.

These streets make no sense!-BK

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