Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I suppose we can!

The very first song my iTunes decided to play this morning was Jesus Jones' "Right Here, Right Now." I guess Obama had the sentient Mac voter block as well.

I will say, for a second, for a brief, split-second, that watching Obama's speech yesterday did kind of fill me with optimism for the potential of, and the potential in, America.

It's good to have someone/something to kind of sort of believe in again. The work starts in January though, and the first 100 days won't be easy.

I thought McCain showed a world of class in his concession speech. It's rather unfortunate that he was able to show none of it in his campaign. If I were him, I would be doing everything I possibly could to destroy Sarah Palin's career. It's only fair, since she did it to him. If he was ten years younger, he would've made a decent President, even if we don't agree on much.


I am going to tear the Improv and her audience a new orifice tonight. I hate the term "tear a new asshole." I mean, come on, who needs a second asshole? I know mine is hard enough to manage alone sometimes.

I will probably head down to the Waterfront, where the Improv is located, early, in order to see the new Kevin Smith movie.

Rent is due, ugh.

After I got home from the bar, I decided to keep drinking, which is not entirely unheard in the fabulous world of Ben Kenny. At three this morning, I was sitting in a hot bath, evergreen-scented candles lit, singing this very loudly.

I am very often "single" in relationship status, but I very rarely actively search for a mate. I think I am somewhat unique in the fact that I can sort of "hibernate" romantically for as long as needed. I don't really get lonely, I'm just one of those people who quite often would rather be left to his own devices. Simpler is better. Numbers complicate the unencumbered life. I'm a like a monk of sorts, but without the cool robes. Maybe I should get myself some robes. Maybe that's the secret. All I know is that I will never be married, never willingly have children, and never "settle." Too much fun to have out there for me to have. There is nothing wrong with the "normal" life, but I'm not "normal" for fuck's sake!

Shaving my head again in December. So looking forward to it.

Lee is hilarious.

ooh la la from krullbeast on Vimeo.

I really need to clean my place. Work pants litter the floor like flag-draped caskets in a cargo plane.

I need to go out into the world and make something of myself, but I'm happy with myself the way I am, so why do I feel the burning need to "make something" of me? Fuck!

I can't believe I was in a dive bar in Pittsburgh when this happened. That's some story for the youth of the future.-BK

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