Monday, November 10, 2008

Why you had to leave.

This is easily one of the funniest jokes ever committed to film.

I've been on an Eighties music overload as of late. I mean, I normally listen to it all the time, but lately me and the Eighties have been going super exclusive. We're like Brooke Shields and a pair of Calvins.

I sorta-kinda burned myself with dryer steam yesterday. I often do this with my oven as well. When my dumb ass opens the doors of heat generating things, I tend to "lean in" for some strange, unknown reason. I am amazed I am still alive sometimes.

This whole Minneapolis thing is still very much up in the air. We're back to a 50/50. Certain things must work out. Certain things must fall into place. The future at this point is unknown, I don't feel I'm regressing here, but I'd like to be progressing, comedy-wise, a little quicker, and I can see the top of the plateau in this town.

I think my family, few(by choice) friends and many valued acquaintances sometimes don't realize quite how deadly serious I take my so-called career in comedy. Two years ago, I started telling jokes on the encouragement of a coworker and the need for more intellectual stimuli in my life. It has saved me in many ways I don't want or care to share with you. Suffice to say, comedy is the first and only thing in my life that was ever worth "giving a shot." I am only just beginning. There will be failure, success, mediocrity, and triumph, but this is what I love to do, this is what I live for. Not a phase I'm in, and don't EVER call it a "hobby" of mine. This is the sole passion of, and in, my life to this point. I cancel social outings to do 5 minutes of comedy in front of sparse crowds. I reschedule work to be able to make shows others laugh off. I write. Everyday.

I don't yet aggressively promote myself because I feel I am not yet totally worthy of calling myself a comedian. There is so much for me to learn, so much for me to work on in order to become a stronger, more well-rounded presence on a stage. I am extremely reluctant to throw my "hat" of sorts into the YouTube ring because there is a LOT of shit on YouTube. I'd say 90% of what is produced on YouTube is of poor(to me) quality. Sure, it may make you laugh. You may even email it to your friends, but will you remember it next week? Will you memorize it word for word because you love it so much you've watched it ten times? If I'm not confident you'll do this with my stuff, I'm simply not going through the trouble and stress of producing it. Comedy is one of the few things in my life where perfection is not only desired, but actively sought.

I can make a packed audience laugh for ten minutes and be down on myself for ten days because a thirty second joke I had confidence in bombed. I love comedy dearly, because it's the only thing that's ever made me be hard on myself.


Two live cuts from what might quite possibly be my favorite album of all-time from any band or genre, ever. If you love music, you must purchase Adore, by Smashing Pumpkins.

Jesus Christ, just listen to that guitar!

Who doesn't love Bronski Beat? That song is the shit, yo!-BK

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