Sunday, November 9, 2008

Still I can't escape the ghost of you.

After two boxes of "deliberation," I've come to the conclusion that generic Captain Crunch is just as good as regular Captain Crunch.

I had an absolutely horrible back spasm yesterday. I was standing up, and the pain was so intense that I couldn't move for a minute or five. Luckily, I had a full can of beer in my hand that I was able to use to kill the time, and I was facing my computer, which was playing an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It could have been much worse.

I really like this song. It gets me pumped for shows and for my day in general.

Big Sunday of grocery shopping, dish washing, and laundry doing in store for me. I would make a kick ass stay at home mom. I need an empowered, motivated, working woman to help me in this goal. Kids not necessary or wanted, really.

The weather changed back to November weather. I should not have worn shorts to work yesterday. My testicles were most displeased with the decision.

Fucker can sing man!

I've seen tons of comics, famous and not so famous, do bits on chicken and what black people drink. This is Chapelle's bit. He's famous for a reason.

Koala bears probably bite.-BK

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