Friday, November 21, 2008

Not that bridge.

Game and tailgating were epic fun last night. Epic.

I managed to sit on the lower level again. I'm good with the scalpers. Just stand on a street corner, yell "FORTY FOR A SINGLE" and see what kind of deals you get offered. Probably would have got in for cheaper if it was closer to game time, but I had some power drinking to do, and I needed to focus.

What to do with my two days off? Perhaps I'll go see Hal Sparks for free tonight, and do a show tomorrow. In between all the fun, I'll be editing a video, doing laundry, eating a lot, and catching up on lazy time.

I've actually already started on my lazy time, as I slept damn close to ten hours last night. I was aided by a belly full of beer and two day old pizza which I found inside of my oven when I came home at two am, and attempted to make french fries. I just ate the french fries for breakfast.

Someone asked me if I "Twittered" the other day. No. Fuck no. No I don't. Our society used to be about descriptive words and cohesive thoughts, it used to value thinking, not snarky little one sentence texts. Fuck Twitter! I text. I mean, texts are cool if they're person to person, but not as a form of broadcast.

It's supposed to snow a lot today. At least I'm not working. Phew!

I love Hip Hop. I love Zach. I love nature.

Not here yet?-BK

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