Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On stage like a motherfucker.

I sometimes feel sorry for people who choose not to drink. I respect their decision, as long as they don't push that view on me, but I still feel sorry for them. Do they realize how much fun they're missing?

For example, some friends and myself spent time laying on a stage surrounded by brilliant colored lights last night. Without alcohol, this never would have happened.

Word has it there's going to be mad DUI checkpoints tonight. Be safe out there kids, wherever you may live. Because I cannot afford myself the stress of murdering five or six police officers, I will be walking across the bridge to Belvedere's, and dancing like the madman I am. It's going to be hella-fun! This is the busiest night of the year for bars, so you best go out, be social, and hate on people!

Not once in my life have I taken a girl home or had a girl take me home from a bar. Not once. Sure there's been chances a plenty to go home with a girl, but I find the alley or a car suitable for whatever activity may ensue. Goodbyes aren't awkward when you're still drunk and wearing most of your clothes.

This is too awesome not to post. Fantastic!

I was doing some reorganizing this morning at about three, and realized that I probably own more pairs of shoes than I've ever owned at any one time in my life. Twelve pairs of different sorts of things to put on my feet. In this economy, you need a lot of shoes.

That's got to be the most overused phrase of the year. "In this economy..." What a load of shit! If you want more money to do things, do less of other things. Problem solved. That'll be seven hundred bucks. Cash only.

Sang this in the shower yesterday. Wasn't even bathing. Just love to sing Clapton songs(any band, any era) in my shower.

Still in limbo with regard to Thanksgiving location.

Quarter life crisis is fast approaching.-BK

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