Monday, November 17, 2008

Pizza is delicious.

I don't care much for football, but I fucking love the Pittsburgh Steelers! Yesterday was the most fun I've had in a long, long time without using my penis and/or being on a stage.

I got to tailgate with a crew that's been tailgating together for nearly twenty years. They welcomed me like their oldest friend and wouldn't let me pay for anything I ate or drank. It was awesome football weather. Snowy and cold. I was dressed warmly and internally heated by Jack Daniel's, so I had no worries and no complaints.

Our seats were incredibly good. We were ten rows back on the twenty yard line. While the game itself was quite lackluster, notable only for the fact that the score was 11-10, a first in NFL history, the experience of seeing the Steelers play was really pretty extraordinary. I scoff at die hard, walking stereotype football fans, but I sort of understand now. Being born and raised in Chicago, and living in Denver for a year has exposed me to some pretty serious football fans. Those fans can't hold a candle to the Steeler Nation. There is at least one "Steeler bar" in every large city in America, and there are clubs and fans throughout Europe, Asia, and South America. A Terrible Towel has been flown from the top of Mount Everest. Every Steelers home game has been sold out for over thirty-five years. Season tickets are included in people's wills, and often used as a dowry in a marriage. Much like the Matrix, no one can be told what it is to be a Steeler fan, they must be shown, indoctrinated. It really is quite something to look around Heinz Field at sixty-five thousand people dressed in black and gold, beers in hand, standing up, Terrible Towels twirling furiously. I now declare myself a Pittsburgh Steeler fan for life. Sorry Bears.

Best part of an unremarkable and unnecessary film.

Hopefully back to working crazy early in the morning next month. I like having no traffic and more overtime.

I was singing this song in the shower, the main chorus at least, and could not figure out how I knew it, but then it came to me. This is my personal favorite of the series.

I should probably go to work now.

Shout out to Terry Jones, who featured for Eddie Griffin all weekend. This is a HUGE deal for a comedian, one of the marks of the transition to turning fully professional. His work ethic, focus, and plain old raw talent put other comedians in this town to shame. He works a room like a master puppeteer. I'm jealous of how good he works crowds, and I rarely find myself jealous of other comics. I want to absorb his powers.

It's a bit of a walk, but I'm a bit of a cheap bastard.-BK

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