Friday, November 28, 2008

Britain is a part of the United Kingdom.

You know that guy Mark Cuban? He's got money out the ass and balls of steel. You may want to read this stuff he wrote. I found it extremely interesting.

Twilight has to be one of the shittiest movies of the year. Not very good at all. Just a lame, tired love story that seems interesting because vampires are involved. I'm happy I haven't read the book. When most of the people I know say "this is a good book" I usually go the other way. Popular books are usually popular because they are easy to read and not much of an intellectual exercise. If you don't want to do work, but still want to read, you should make a choice, not settle for less. I don't even know what else to write. I'm confused, pissed, and apathetic all at once!

Everyone realizes this is one of the great American rock bands, but no one ever really talks about it. Weird. They should. Maybe it's because they don't really do much drugs and the lead singer who isn't too into women. I think the most controversial thing they've done is have a drummer with a brain tumor. That's not controversial when I think about it. Shit folks, everyday can't be a winner!

I miss The John Mayer Trio. He really should stop fucking famous chicks and singing pop songs and get back to his heart and soul...

I've been having too much fun.

Ben Kenny? Ben Kenny! Ben Kenny. from Ben Kenny on Vimeo.

The object of any game is to win.-BK

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