Not too much of note to report on the weekend so far. Did housework, went to my usual Saturday haunts and hung out with rad people, came home, and here I am again, spewing words to the screen, for you to read, and make references to in conversation, after I've been drinking, and I will wonder what the hell you are talking about. Again.
I did go for the bike ride yesterday, and it was totally awesome. It did sap my dancing energy levels just a tad. Couldn't throw down at the after hours as much as I usually do, but I still dropped it like it was hot and made a gun with my hand when they played M.I.A. Bonafide hustler making my name.
(I've been down with her for a few years now. Like the ODB mixed with Missy Elliot or something. Brilliant. Sri Lanka what?)
I've developed and am currently testing out a new theory on grocery shopping. Since I live/work/commute close to three locations of the same grocery chain(which I have a card for!), I am now buying food on a "need to eat" basis. This means I'm stopping in the store, basically, every two or three days instead of once every two weeks. Goals of this nefarious plan are to reduce food costs(already low) eat fresher foods, and add a little bit of variety to me diet. Things seem to be going alright so fair, but we're really only in the "ripping down the statues of Saddam" era of the operation. Time will be the teacher.
You guys remember in Wayne's World when he sees the Excalibur guitar and says "It will be mine."? I saw a bicycle like that yesterday on this very screen. I want it like frat boys want Angelina Jolie. Fret not, Mom and Dad, I know buying it would not be a prudent financial decision at this juncture in life. But still...
With all the Heath Ledger hoopla (<---that shit rolls off the tongue) this summer, I think it's necessary for movie buffs, dweebs, nerds, and film fans everywhere to go back and view Jack Nicholson in Batman. His performance doesn't suck. Nor does Moon Township's very own Michael Keaton's performance. Good stuff. Kim Basinger is so fine.
Thrill Kill Kult show is nearing. I am getting excited. All will be right in the world on that evening.
Looks like the government has stepped in and taken over control of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae. This is just great. I mean, if privately retained and well educated people can't run a company, government employees, the lowest paid and least educated of all people, anywhere, should be able to do a hell of a job. I mean, look at our huge budget surplus... oh yeah... "Well... uh, we got lots of bombs! If you ain't fixin' to pay us, we'll blow you up!!! In Jesus' name!" This means the government can now for close on your mortgage, but will also be providing you welfare! This is going to be the Tara Reid of business dealings for the next few years.
Those are the greatest shoes ever!-BK (I was at the gay after hours, saw the shoes mentioned, and for thirty seconds, became gayer than any two people in the place.)
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