Sunday, September 28, 2008

Polo shirts are the first sign.

5:50 AM. Pittsburgh. Sunday morning. A practically deserted highway.

Ben Kenny is driving to work, in the leftmost lane, moving at a modest seventy miles per hour. He comes up on a car in his lane. He brakes. Brakes heavily. Checking his own severely reduced speed, he sees the car is moving at fifty-two miles per hour. He can see the telltale glow in the driver's ear. A cellular phone! He flashes his brights, and before the driver has a chance to respond, passes him on the right, merging back into his proper lane at his proper speed, a glance in the rear view telling him the driver behind him was still clueless.

At that moment, if presented with a "burn the world" button, Ben Kenny would have pushed it with a steely resolve and a look of pure glee.


I do not appreciate random sexual text messages from cell phones I do not recognize. If this was you, thanks for interrupting my movie watching and attempt at a full night's rest, you fucking jackass.

I decided to forsake my shower in favor of an extra twenty minutes of sleep. Which gives me about three and half hours of sleep on the night. Good times.

Caught this at work the other day. This one of those movies that is truly moving. It can, and does, appeal to basic human emotions without coming off like it's begging for attention. I've said it before, but I wish Hollywood made more movies like this. Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington do so much work, so often, so well, that we tend to forget how bright they truly shine.

I sure hope Artie Lange doesn't die.

Fake steak is so good. I don't know why I'd never bought that shit before. Mad tasty, yo.

Working on Sunday is kind of good and kind of bad. Money, of course, is good, but losing sleep and social time is bad. Also, I have nothing to eat but my emergency supply of Easy Mac, as I neglected to pack food. Maybe I'll splurge and by breakfast/lunch today. Or I'll just eat oatmeal bars from the storeroom. Those things are super good!

Pittsburgh pillow. Google it. Hilarity.

My new work schedule will have me waking up at 3:45 in the morning. This will make me much angrier than usual. Be warned.

No bags yet. I'll let you know.-BK

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