Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rusty brown hole.


Paul Newman died.

He was one of those actors who never needed to "ham" much of anything up. He knew how to tell a story and set the tone of a scene using little more than his eyes.

Through his food line, he donated more than a quarter of a billion dollars to charity.

Although rumors of his declining health had been circulating for some time, he chose to die in privacy, with his family, and with his basic human dignity. He died like a man should. We should all be so lucky.

His early work is great, but I came to know and love him in his later years. There are not a lot of "old man" actors who still take varied and challenging rolls. He never rested on his laurels. Here are some of my favorite scenes of his...

Bike power!

Overtime tomorrow. Wheee!!!

I managed to spend less than twenty bucks on groceries today. I even bought eight different things! Bring on the fattest, most self-loathing, poorly-named children having, SUV driving soccer mom on the planet! I can take her! Let's bargain it out, bitch!

I'm starting to wash my winter work clothes in preparation. It's getting closer. Snow. Freezing rain. Holiday travelers. Deicing. Overtime. Six hours of daylight. Pale skin. Dry skin. Cracked skin. Hot chocolate and coffee. Oatmeal. Flight delays. Year five. Fear is for those who don't prepare!

This cold has left me sore all over. Goddamn immune system!

I'm totally making fake steak fajitas tonight. I might even bring the sizzling pan into another room to eat, you know, for that "psuedo-Chili's" experience we all secretly crave.

I call her "Miss Jackson." (For those of you too young or daft to understand, it's a reference to another song of hers!)

I would most definitely go "angry dragon" in regards to Miss Jackson. Although quite "nasty" in nature, I'd never "space dog" with her! That shit, no pun intended, is totally classless. Unless we were in a bathtub or large shower...

But seriously, no. Unless we were drunk.

Really though, no. Really.

Well, I guess maybe once. Twice, to be sure we weren't into it...

It looks like a flood in here.-BK

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