Thursday, September 18, 2008

Smoking is not allowed in school.

I played fetch with a cat last night and this morning. That's a first.

I really need to clean my car, both inside and out. It smells like gym shorts. For a while, I'd just assumed it was because I'd left bike riding clothes in there, and they've "fermented", but I think it's something else. Oh well. Nothing a little green tree air freshener or three won't fix.

This band is about as noncommercial and artistically pure as it is possible to be in our warped, commercial, artistically slutty world. In addition to that, they also rock like the Devil would rock if He wasn't busy running things.

Apparently, John Mayer is into doing stand-up. I actually have nothing bad or detrimental to say about this. He's doing something outside of his comfort zone, taking a risk, and following an exciting path. Telling jokes alone, under bright lights, in a room full of people is never easy, regardless of celebrity status. Props, yo. Besides, anything that keeps him from wasting his massive guitar shredding ability on shitty pseudo-blues is for the better!

It looks like a nerd bomb of some sort went off in my house. Eighties movies, electronic music, ugly clothing, and porno litter the floors.

Is it possible to join the military and go straight to "crazy homeless war vet with a heart of gold, a story to tell, and a drinking problem?" If so, I should send in for my free video and wristwatch. I truly deeply hope that Godsmack is on the soundtrack.

Madonna + ABBA sample = Very cool!

It's fucking Eighties Nite! Dollar PBRs, sweating, and dance moves not seen since last Thursday! Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes!

This flick somehow gets lost in the subconscious of people everywhere. It shouldn't, because it's a perfect popcorn movie. The 'Burbs. Sometimes we tend to forget that Tom Hanks is deadly funny. After all, who didn't piss their pants when they saw The Green Mile?

I need to take my garbage to the curb today, as I've forgotten to do it for the past two weeks. Could be a problem if my garbage didn't consist almost entirely of junk mail. Dew bottle, food cans, and bread crusts.

This bridge is weird.-BK

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