Saturday, September 6, 2008

That is not realistic.

Two amazing things happened yesterday:

1. I uttered a sentence possibly never spoken, not even paraphrased, in the history of human existence. That sentence: "Shut up guys, I trying to watch Timecop!"

2. I found myself in bed, and likely was sleeping by 11:30 last night. I got home from work, showered, and went to sleep, just to see if I could. I did manage to sleep until 4 or so, got up, surfed the web for a bit, and went back to bed at 5:30, sleeping until 12:40. Good times and rest, my friends. Cathartic and relaxing.

Even though I hate this band, their fans, and everything after the second season of the show it was the theme to, this is still a really great song, a once in a lifetime kind of song to write for sure. Very good.

Come to think of it, I even hate California itself.

I am planning on not leaving my house until I mop my floor, which means it will be a really half-assed mopping job, but oh well. Better than nothing.

This is one of those movies that you bring up in casual nerd conversation, and if the other nerd knows about it, well, it just proves they're nerdy to their core!! One of the ten best B-movies, if not THE best B-movie. There is more creativity in this film than it gets credit for. Do not watch if you are afraid of clowns.

This is a good cover because his voice is able to convey the feeling the Chris Isaak put out the first time around. It is the same in spirit, but not in sound, which is the whole point of a good cover song. He doesn't do it quite as well as Isaak, but the effort is quite admirable.

I think that is probably one of the new generation of songs appropriate for strip/gentleman's clubs. It's certainly no "Girls, Girls, Girls," or "Cherry Pie," but it's far better than any sort of hip hop, which gets played a little too much these days. White bitches dancing to hip hop is hilarious to watch, but not very sexy at all. It's because they have no ass or thighs on them, and that's what hip hop forces you to move. Of course some white bitches do have ass and thighs to them, but you don't see them working in a strip club, and for good reason. FYI, I counted only two c-section scars the last time I was out, which is impressive in a town like Pittsburgh. When I'm "in the club" per se, I don't make it rain, but I do look like there's going to be a hell of a storm, but then I just blow on out of town, leaving three or four dollars scattered in my wake.

If I gave you guys a survey of some sort, would you fill it out for me?

Totally awesome, but not for people who can't open themselves to it. Hairy stuff.

Might go see Death Race or maybe The Dark Knight again on Monday. Let me know if you're down, it's only 5 bucks all day!

The nation is great.-BK

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