Fucking hipsters.
Living alone is weird, but at least there's always the voices in my head. I just wish I could speak Dutch so I could understand them. They sound angry an awful lot though.
This is the best comedian you've never heard of. He's a writer for Chris Rock, and he is no slouch onstage himself. This is one of those shows that was just too brave to continue living, even on late night cable.
I have a busy week of the awesome that is my life ahead of me. Show/hanging out tonight, hanging out/dancing tomorrow, show Monday, show Tuesday, going to see a house DJ Wednesday, and dancing Thursday. I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna persevere. I'm gonna shine like Destro.
Went to see Burn After Reading yesterday. A lot of people can't appreciate a movie like this, because they can't understand that it's more than simple story telling. Movies like this are a tapestry, a forest of ideas and words. Sometimes, you need to watch them two or three times. This isn't the best Coen Brothers movie, but it's still better than 85% of everything ever released. There is no actor on earth who can make the word "fuck" sound as eloquent as John Malkovich does. He gives your ears candy.
It's raining here. Makes me sad. Can't ride bicycle without getting swamp crotch.
It's about time to do the mothafuckin' dishes. Eating grilled cheese out of a bowl is awkward, and even more depressing than eating grilled cheese off of a paper towel.
Coolest band in the world. Just cool. Cool like I could never ever be, and if I couldn't be this cool, it must mean you guys are total squares. I can pull of a lot of crazy clothing, but I wouldn't even attempt a jacket like this. That's cool.
I really miss my dog. If I didn't have to have so much fun this weekend I would've flown home just to hang out with him. I hope he makes it to Christmas.
I stopped caring about typos and grammatical errors a while ago. Proofreading is for journalists.
There's a parade today. I've just realized my car's been towed. FUCK!
It does work.-BK
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