Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I love doing bar shows. For obvious reasons, I feel "at home" while amongst the inebriated. But I really hate stupid bar skanks who tend to think they're in some sort of interactive public performance. There's a reason only one person is behind the mic. I don't come into your home and yell before, during, and in between whatever banal banter you partake in, so don't do it at my fucking show! I forgot four jokes, including two new ones I was really excited about because of them. I should have jettisoned my set, and attacked these girls with everything I had, but I'm a nice guy. I mean a pussy. I am a big fucking pussy. All in all though, my set still goes into the "win" column. Whee!

Interesting how things and situations find you in life, even if you weren't particularly looking for anything. Maybe I should've started searching earlier, as my life is going pretty good right now. It's good to be excited about people.

I think the cleaning lady farted as she just walked past. At least, I'm pretty sure it wasn't me. Ripeness.

I still can't believe this guy is white! When I found out a few years ago, I was absolutely floored. I think it was the musical equivalent of being adopted, and not knowing until your real dad shows up, fresh out of prison and in good with the Lord, or something like that.

My body is having trouble adjusting to my new "lack of" sleep schedule. Also, going to sleep relatively sober is proving challenging. Loud Dutch voices.

I lost my earlier blog while attempting to post it, which does upset me. Genius lost forever.

Hey comedian! Got a good show coming up? Not without motherfucking Ben Kenny you don't! Get at me.

This song has been in my head all damn day. Not a bad song, but still. Small doses! Small doses.

Seems like everybody is writing Kid Rock material these days.

Mostly unfunny, absurdist, and crass, but brief moments of brilliance from this show...

I have to be at work in the morning.-BK

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