Monday, September 29, 2008

The Riddle of Steel

They tore out walls at the Moose! It looks way better. Really "opens up the room" as people with a seventy thousand dollar degree/piece of paper would say. Ben Kenny says it for free. College degrees... pssh! I know more people who aren't applying their degrees in life than who are. It's hard to apply a Fine Arts degree to waiting tables. Unless you're doing dinner theatre, or working at Medieval Times. You gotta live your dreams. Good thing I only dream of homelessness and ultra violence...

This is one of those videos that might make you yell out loud a time or five...

I've got a wee bit of a hangover today. I hate people who don't drink irresponsibly. Hangovers are nature's way of telling you that you had fun last night, but maybe you should eat something before you drink.

Sarah Connor is on tonight. I've missed it the past two weeks, due to going out at night and having some semblance of a life. Although I did catch the episodes online, it just isn't as magical as watching it at it's regularly scheduled time, on a TV with horrid reception, in a bed that smells of sweat, in a house that's empty, in a world that's dying. Or maybe I'm being too melodramatic?

I cannot believe our government. I cannot believe in our government.

My cold is fading like Dane Cook's career. I was so happy his latest movie tanked! Being an unfunny joke thief super douchebag is one thing, but comparing yourself to Belushi and Steve Martin is entirely another. Cocky bastard. He doesn't have one tenth of their merit. Not one tenth!

It's taken my ass almost a week to work my way through this box of Fruity Pebbles. It's kind of surprising.

I had cheese fries yesterday. Homemade. They were so good I started purring a little. Sadly, I did not think to take a picture of them, but take my word for it, they were magnificent! They were like your first great lover. I will never forget them!

Watched this last night. Snuggled. Had a few laughs. Coreys for life!

Best scene ever! " hear the lamentation of the women." Ha Ha Ha!

Yeah. I can't do this right now. Later.-BK

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