Thursday, September 25, 2008

This happens to be my jam.


Cold is getting less bad. Not better, just "less bad." I am South Korea, the cold is North Korea, and we've reached some sort of agreement on a demilitarized zone.

Dancing this evening. As always, I've been really looking forward to it. Crazy moves and copious sweat. It's kind of ridiculous that I actually have to hydrate myself before I go out dancing, but that's life.

This is another band/person most people only have a fleeting familiarity with, which is sad, because the dude is an incredible talent. Meth derailed his career for a while, but I hear he's back. Days Of The New.

I spent thirty bucks on a new pair of work shoes. The first day, literally, the first fucking day I wore them, the toe guard started peeling. I am pissed. Oh well. They only need to last until mid-November, as that's when I start wearing boots everyday anyways. I shop at Target for the quality.

Of course it's the beat!

Twelve hours of work today. Haven't done that in a while. Through some wheeling and dealing, I may only be working three days a week next month. Should be good for the budget, if not for the sanity.

I went to pick up some FireWire in order to connect my camera to my computer, and share some of my comedic genius with the world, and you know what I found out? FireWire is fucking expensive! Like "wait until next paycheck" expensive!

Big Powerball prize. Hopes high.

That couldn't happen.-BK

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