Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What's good?

It's raining here. When it usually rains two times a week, and doesn't rain for a while, you begin to notice the rain falling again. You remember how green things tend to be, and what the smell of wet forest smells like. Happy times.

Where have I been? This dude is hilarious!

I meant to ride my bike into downtown and take the bus today, even packed my shit last night and got up extra early, but the rain, man, the fucking rain.

There are only 2-5 TV shows I actually watch, because after the shows I watch are over, nothing is on but shitty reality television. For now, I only really need to turn on my television every Monday night at 8/7 central.


I get high on alcohol and life. Nothing else. Until I get rich and famous. Not that I wish to depend on drugs, but merely for business reasons. Drug problems will keep me perpetually in the press.

I feel weird. I got quite a bit of sleep last night, and was wired on Mountain Dew all day yesterday. Who knows?

Having trainees at work is the best. I will barely lift a finger all day today.

I got a raise!

Blast from the past.

Hang out with me tonight.-BK

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