Monday, September 15, 2008

You can't make molehills out of mouse burrows.

Watched the Steeler game with a new friend of mine. Best Steeler game ever!

Driving through the Iron City after midnight, power was out seemingly everywhere. Luckily, the bar was not affected.

I like how all the freaky kids can scare the gay people off of their own dance floor. We're just too good at gettin' down!

I make my fabled return to The Shadow Lounge this evening after missing a few months due to sickness, travel, and alcoholism. It's gonna be good like the snack pack you find in the back of your locker at work, know to be expired, but like they always say...

Deadsy. The lead singer is the spawn of Cher and Greg Allman. Synth-metal? Pretty cool.

I was planning to not wear much more than underwear until tonight, which was a great plan, until I dropped a carton of piping hot fried rice on my chest. Great times. I am eating tofu off of the floor.

Since I have to shower and treat my burns, I suppose I'll put some clothes on a go see a movie.

She Wants Revenge. Ben wants Yuengling. Shirley Manson is incredible.

I did my part in keeping Pittsburgh "real" last night. Ripped some flowers out of planters. Felt bad. Then realized I'm a taxpayer, and can do as I damn well please. Fuck urban beautification is there are no jobs with fair wages!

The stock market is in the shitter. Again. When are we gonna learn?

Might go for a bike ride today. Might not. Probably won't. Shoulder is acting up on me.

No. Without the influence of Sesame Street.-BK

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