Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We're gonna party like it's your birthday.

Finally got overtime at work. 2.5 hours, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Tomorrow is my 4th anniversary with Southwest. I love my job!

Show was miserable last night. Just miserable. Seven people and a Great Dane. Whatever. No quitting and no surrender.

I'm hoping to do some bicycling this weekend. Haven't rode my bicycle just for the sake of riding in a surprisingly long time. I often ride to the bus stop, bar, or store, but a plain old simple bike ride is rare for me. I'm gonna pack some PB&J and maybe a Gala apple. Nothing big, just 20 leisurely miles or so.

We are currently in the end of summer desert known for shitty films. I hope that late fall/winter gets here soon. Christ.

I like this because it was made with pure love. This is how we should all feel about dogs. It says it all.

Recently found out about the tragic loss of a neighbor from my childhood. Someone I literally grew up around. Nature certainly dealt him a shitty hand in life, but it never stopped him from achieving. If it was something physical he was learning, he would be outside from the time he got home from school until dusk, practicing over and over and over again until he got it, day after day. He charged full bore at everything, hurling basketballs at a regulation height net when he was a 60 pound third grader, jumping a four inch curb at full speed on his bike, or even just cutting grass. The last time I saw him, he was rocking a fauxhawk in a letterman's jacket covered in various insignias, and was taller than me but still barely 110 pounds soaking wet, and he looked me in the eye when he spoke to me, something he'd never done when he was younger.

At 24, it sucks so bad to see people younger than you die. You can only hope they lived as well and as richly as they could.

Brandon, I will miss you. The world keeps turning because of people like you.

Zakk Wylde and his band, Black Label Society, are some of the unsung heroes of music. Massive underground support, but no radio airplay. This is rock and roll, and it's worth a listen. Besides, skulls are fucking badass! (His main gig is playing guitar for some guy who bites the heads off of bats and pisses on the Alamo, so you know his shit is mad legit.)

I'm looking for black on black Chucks, but they don't seem to ever have them in my size when I have the money to buy them. Bastards.

I love my Mom and Dad! Just thought they and you should know. No matter what.

I am in the early stages of Eurotrip 2009 planning. Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, and maybe Russia, consider yourselves warned. Learn English and first aid, because it's gonna be gnarly as gnarly gets.





You can't fall down, because you'd die.-BK

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