Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No time to bleed.

Shadow Lounge went decent last night. It's always a bummer to do a show where comedians outnumber audience members, which was pretty much the case last night. However, through sheer force of will, I was able to go out and rip the fucking room apart. I've been using/trying a few "Jedi mind tricks" lately, and they seem to be working quite well for me. It's always great to hear the loudest laughter in the room come from the comedians. It is better than regular laughter, because laughter from a comedian is always genuine, heartfelt, and quite often, exceptionally rare.

You should see Travis Walling. He's a new-to-me comedian who has really, really, really strong jokes. I'm actually a little bit jealous of his writing, because it's something I'm confident of in myself. He might be a better writer than me, and that scares me! Zimbabwe Coke machine inflation jokes are fucking hilarious, and utterly brilliant.

The subtle Irish accent is what really sets this piece over the top. Don't watch this if you hold the Catholic Church near and dear. Or do. It's four minutes of laughs.

Some people have asked if I just surf YouTube and hate myself all day. Basically, yes.

Friday is Pirate night. It's going to be totally ARRRGHH!-rated. I can barely wait, even though I might not be able to make it out for the full brunt of the debauchery.

I love the hook in this song. Had it come out earlier, it could possibly have been the song of the summer. I love the producer too, not only does he love using synthesizers, he spells his name with a fucking hyphen! "The-Dream." How badass is that?

When Batman poops, does he take his cape and cowl off, or does he just hold it to the side with one of his hands? Does he eat Mexican food? I bet he has to be extra careful when he wipes, you know, with the bladed gauntlets and all.

I pretty much hate David Cross, but I totally adore Run Ronnie Run.

I should travel somewhere. Somewhere other than my parents' place. Soon. Gotta rob someone or sell myself to medical science in order to pay.

Scientologist is the new Jew. I don't have much more than that right now, but when I do, it's going to be killer.

We can wait all night.-BK

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