Thursday, September 4, 2008

Not even a middle finger for me?

In life, there are haters. We all know it, and we tolerate it. Sometimes, we even "hate" on things ourselves a little bit.

The majority of us are prone to "keeping it real." You know, "just livin', man." That's fine, and not a bad way to go through life at all.

Some of us, this noble literary soldier included, keep it "mad real." As in, we're hoping for a brighter future for ourselves and others, but mostly just for ourselves.

Even fewer have the capacity to keep it "realer than real." Most of these folks are homeless, so this category doesn't merit a lot of discussion or consideration.

But a few, a beautiful, glorious few, keep it "infinitely real." These people are too rare to die.

This is, quite possibly, my new favorite YouTube clip of all time. This is infinite real.

I realized I somehow managed to hook up two three day weekends in a row! Score.

This is why the internet is awesome. Brian Tunney is not afraid of creating.

I'm still getting skinnier, so that's good.

I've cut my pop/soda/coke consumption drastically. I drink at or below the "you better be in bed by ten!" level of my childhood. In fact, before breakfast(overtime treat/tradition) this morning, I have trouble remembering the last time I went out to eat when I wasn't in the company of friends/drunks, so that's another small victory in this little game called life.

I'm listening to Anthrax. I've been heavy on the thrash as of late. Why? Because thrash is awesome, of course!

Steve Swanson is avant garde without even trying or a 100,000 dollar education. He rules.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

I've now had a cold of varying sneeze strength and mucus intensity for over a month. Fuck Airborne, and fuck "sweating it out!"

When I found this music video, I came very, very close to shedding multiple tears and getting red in the face for an hour or two. This is on my eternal Top Ten list. Best. Lyrics. Ever!

I got shows like P. Diddy has baby mommas. You don't even know.

There's nothing more to say, but let's keep talking, I'm lonely as hell.-BK

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