Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Groovie Mann

Yesterday was a hell of a day. I had lunch at my favorite place, The Quiet Storm, and a fun afternoon before heading out to the My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult show. It was super fun. People were dancing. People were smiling. People were singing. People were wearing black.

TKK is probably the first relatively "underground" band I was ever introduced to. I'm happy I was. Thank you, hetero lifemate David Tyler!

Laying relatively low until 80's night. Need to rest this cold a bit. Congested like Los Angeles traffic. At least my mucus isn't on a cell phone.

Virtually always, Ron Paul is right! If you're not angry about your government using your tax dollars to stabilize private enterprise, you're not a patriot! Businesses don't all succeed. When mistakes are made, consequences need to be dealt with. It is not now, nor has it ever been, the government's job to bail businesses out of bankruptcy. These people are/were predatory lenders who've made horrible decisions and gambled with money they could not afford to lose! Let them fail. Click on the Ron Paul hyperlink. He is a true Libertarian and American patriot, and HE WAS THE MOST VIABLE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE!

Stepping off of my high horse now...

I laughed very heartily.

Tool. You either get it, or you don't.

You ok?-BK

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