Friday, September 26, 2008

Erasure is better than "pretty good."

Due to bad vibes from the crowd and from internal sources, last night was cut short. Amazingly, I was able to recover half of the cover charge! Go me!

While watching the news, I noticed all of the airport area "massage parlors" and "spas," had been raided in a prostitution sting. I'd heard a few stories about these establishments, but have never felt the need to pay for sex, at least with cash, that is. I usually pay more than my share in guilt, confusion, and a sense of underperformance. Shit, come to think of it, money would just be cheaper!

Why is it I that like bands that are more effeminate than their female fans?


I dream in MS/DOS. Fucking BSOD!

I'm really hoping to work a lot of overtime this weekend, and as a result, will be laying low again. I'll be there in spirit. Look for mysterious puddles of sweat on the dancefloor and empty glasses of Jack and Coke scattered about. If you listen closely, very closely, you might even hear a high-pitched voice singing along to Depeche Mode!

The muscle on the outside of my wrist feels like it's trying to pull towards my elbow. Not pleasant feeling. Not one little bit.

Time to fly.

There will be a seat at my table for you. Always.-BK

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