Monday, September 22, 2008

I don't mind having colds in the winter. They seem appropriate for the season. Tolerable even. But colds in the summer, colds in the summer suck, and make me very sad. At least it isn't cancer.

I'm not taking down the gun picture. Unless, of course, anyone out there has a picture my mother would potentially find even more offensive. You know, midgets covered in bodily fluids, an interracial couple, or some such similar nonsense. For the record mom, positive to negative response is at 3-1. So deal with it.

You know a movie is good when it's almost taken for granted. This is such a great film. Just because these guys spend a lot of time on the pages of tabloid magazines doesn't mean they aren't capable actors.

SHIRLEY MANSON! (not bad as a blonde, better as a redhead)

Lack of words today. Go elsewhere for them. Don't stop 'til you get enough!

This pizza is acceptable.-BK

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does your mom actually read this blog? Because I picture her having a huge heart attack if she does.

Hope life is treating you well. Yes! Colds in the summer suck. I just got over a nasty sinus infection - it was freaking horrible to have a fever when it was 85 degrees out.

Take care and have fun at 80s night.