Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Old Skool Tuesdays.

As someone who works outside, I can tell you I know more than a little bit about how to properly dress and prepare for weather. This must be why Mother Nature, psychotic cunt that She is, can't seem to make up Her mind on whether or not sustained rain is going to fall today. I do not like stripping off and putting on my raingear on a seemingly endless basis. I do not like it one iota!

At the Smiling Moose tonight, and at the Obey House next Thursday. That's going to be a banger of a show, and is always a great time. Come out. Beer is cheap, life is fleeting, and after all, you only live once!

I've been cutting back on my Dew intake. I am irritable as a result. Grrr!!

This is one of those songs from a native son of the Iron City. I'd never heard it until I moved here, but it's too good not to have been a bigger hit... Ladies and gents, Donnie Iris!

Because PBS is the only channel that I receive clearly, and because my light bulb is burned out, which I need for reading, which I'm too lazy to replace, I found myself watching a biography on Ronald Reagan. I share a birthday with him and Axl Rose. Obviously, we weren't all born in the same year. Anyways... while some presidencies are "ho-hum" or "total, absolute failures," he accomplished something. His administration effectively ended to the Cold War, and essentially defeated Communism as it used to be. What is Clinton's legacy? We all know what Bush's will be.

Too bad The Gipper ignored AIDS, homelessness, and traded arms for hostages. But hey, he was a Republican, what do you expect?

This is incredibly astute, and one of the more honest interviews I've ever read.

This one goes out to Sara Palin's retarded kid. Fret not, fair readers, it's not like he's ever going to read this, or much of anything, really. Dave Attell is pure class.

I'm still smoking a little bit, on occasion, when I drink. Haven't actually bought cigarettes, so we're cool on that front. I know I'm putting my health at risk, but shit, what do I have to live for?

I've taken to walking around the airport a bit. It's almost as depressing as downtown Pittsburgh. But, if we hire a couple of homeless folks, and I think we've got a good competition on our hands.

My shoulder is on fucking fire. But it's my other shoulder, so it's a change of pace I suppose. I'll take what I can get.

Somebody was singing very loudly at an early hour this morning.

The Steelers won, I get it. Just be happy about the victory, don't honk your fucking horns after midnight. Daddio is sleeping!

Not ever.-BK

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